A great way to pay for veterinary care as well as your family’s other medical needs (furry and not). Unlike traditional pet financing or veterinary payment plans, the CareCredit credit card gives you the flexibility to use your card again and again for your pet’s procedures.

Scratchpay offers simple payment plans for medical financing, some with zero interest. Apply for a payment plan, check your rate, pick your payment plan, and get the care your pet needs. Since Scratchpay is not a credit card, it does not affect your credit score.

Pet Poison Helpline™
The new Pet Poison Helpline. Call here first if you are concerned about your pet eating something toxic. There is a charge, but it will greatly help you vet figure out the perfect treatment.

ASPCA Poison Control
ASPCA’s poison control number. There is a charge, but they help when you have a toxic pet!

Greenbrier Emergency Animal Hospital Facebook Page
Become a fan to join the fun and keep up with important tips and pet advice!

Virginia Vet Specialists
The only boarded small animal veterinarians in Charlottesville. They offer full-time specialists in surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, and soon dermatology. This clinic is directly next door to Greenbrier, with through access between the clinics for easy transfers and consulting. We work very closely with this office but remain two separate businesses.

Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA
The Charlottesville SPCA has animals for adoption and does a great service to our community.

Veterinary Partner
A web site designed to help pet owners find out more information about their animals and their animal’s illnesses.

The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement
Professionally trained volunteers in pet bereavement counseling. Services are free and available to anyone bereaving for a beloved pet.

Pet Loss Support Page
Contains ten tips on coping with pet loss, plus a great deal of other helpful information.

Jefferson Area Veterinary Medical Association
This is the Charlottesville-area veterinary association, offering education, veterinary referrals and public forums in the pet community.

Xylitol information
Xylitol, an artificial sweetener, is extremely toxic to your pets. Here is a great list of products that are currently known to contain this pet poison. Please use this list as a reference and contact a veterinarian if your pets gets into any of these products.

Roto-Rooter is often called upon to save pets and wildlife stuck in precarious and oftentimes dangerous situations. Their technicians use state-of-the-art machinery to save the life of the animal in danger. They do all of this work for free!