Here at Greenbrier Emergency Animal Hospital, we’ve had two very interesting cases lately. This first one was a middle-aged dog who was disoriented. On examination, he was suddenly and completely blind! The second case was a 7-week-old puppy who was normal when the owner went to bed — but In the morning, when the owner woke up, the puppy couldn’t walk and was barely responsive. On examination, this puppy was also suddenly blind! What did these two cases have in common? They were both either on or near a horse farm. Ivermectin toxicity was suspected in both cases, and within a few hours (for the puppy) and a few days (for the older dog), they were completely back to normal.
Ivermectin is a drug commonly and safely used in many dogs to treat a variety of parasitic infections. This drug is also commonly used in cattle and horses at much higher doses — which can be toxic to dogs, if they are exposed to the medication. Certain types of dogs, including but not limited to collies and Australian shepherds, are also far more susceptible to the toxic effects of the drug.
Toxicity signs include depression, disorientation, nonresponsiveness, blindness, drooling, tremors, and walking like he/she is “drunk.” More severe signs, especially in the susceptible breeds, include low heart rate, low breathing rate, coma and death.
Treatment often is centered around supportive care, which may include intravenous fluid therapy, nutritional support and appropriate nursing care. Although ivermectin toxicity can be fatal in rare cases, many dogs do well and make full recoveries. Sometimes it just takes time. If your pet is displaying any abnormal neurologic behavior, or you suspect your pet has ingested anything toxic, bring him/her to your local veterinarian (or to Greenbrier after hours) immediately.
© 2010 Greenbrier Emergency Animal Hospital. All rights reserved.
What can be used at home to treat suspected cases?
I rescued my pitbull puppy using activated charcoal I gave him a full dose of the dry mixed with some water and then every 3 hours gave him a half a dose it is 1 mg per pound
My vet said that you have to make them puke if thy just ate it. 4 tablesopons of hydrogen peroxide. give more doses after 1/2 hour
1/2 hour later another dose. until they puke that up up.
after that observation for signs and off to the emergency vet if you see signs.
The dog may die if you cant get it out! Dont play or wait.
4 Tablespoons is too much. That would be 20 cc, you should use 1 or 2 to start max.
I gave my 3 lb Chihuahua a dose to soon I gave her 0.5 in her mouth of e n d o s o r b suspension I gave her a dose too soon I gave her a dose at 8:00 and I gave her a dose just now will this hurt her in any way thank you
ENDOSORB? I dont think you can give it too soon. I would call your vet about this and find out the exact details. I have not got the details. It does not show me your last post, just lists and lists of posts and replies. Sorry. You should only need 1 or 2 max doses of charcoal if that is what endosorb is.
My dog has ingested 4 times the normal dose of ivermectin(heart guard). She is a Portuguese podengo and 1 and a half years old. Should I be concerned?
Probably not if the normal dose is correct.
Ivermectin is a drug commonly and safely used in many dogs to treat a variety of parasitic infections. This drug is also commonly used in cattle and horses at much higher doses — which can be toxic to dogs, if they are exposed to the medication.
Yes? It says all that in the blog….
make him puke. full answer above
My dog is 4 years and have taken 50mg ivermectin. After 2 days he is barking and eating normally but his vision seems to be a little bit off. Did i need to be concerned?
I hope you mean micrograms not milligrams and you should see a vet…. the age is irrelevant the weight is important but that seems like a way overdose if milligrams.
Thanks for the article it was a big help .A vet administered ivermectin 2 days ago on my 7 and 9 week pups .2 died yesterday sadly and I’m caring for one now any tips on at home foods that I should give the pup to help his state he’s very disoriented and weak.Kindly assist
I would mix a few good quality puppy foods and add some water and some wet food. The good puppy foods should have enough nutrients and the water should help hydrate. Good luck.
Hello.This article was helpful. My dog is Maltese. She sleeps for almost a month after eating an Ibermectin heartguard, loses her appetite, and refuses to walk. The blood test at the hospital showed high liver and inflammation levels and the other was normal. And there was nothing wrong with the X-ray. She had a IV injection at the hospital and her liver level dropped and her inflammation level was still high. doctor say never seen this before, and he predicted that it was a side effect of Ibermectin because the cause was unknown, even though it was a safe drug. I wonder if you’ve seen this case. If you’ve seen it, I wonder when it will recover. Thank you for reading my comment. Have a nice day.
I have heard of this and there is a liver problem with a blood brain barrier problem. No more ivermectin obviously. They usually recover in a slow period but are ok as long as you dont give them any more. It is most common in collie dogs. Look up collie dogs and Ivermectin online.
What happened to your dog? I am dealing with similar issues in my 7 month old Golden Retriever.
My 1 1/2 pup has eaten a food with agmectin. What will I do now, she can not walk, chilling and di not respond. We can not go to the vet clinic because of the town tockdown. The vet clinic is next town. What first aid can I give to my pup?thank you
Not sure what agmectin is, call your vet and break lock down if you have to?? Sorry I cant help.
Hi my farm dog(red heeler) ingested what I’m assuming now is almost a full tube of horse ivermectin- we weren’t sure if it was even a new tube – but now this morning she is blind- Dilated pupils and running into things- walking drunk. My local vet was called but they said there was nothing they could do and she would either recover or die! Please help! Is there anything I can do??
Yes! IV fluids and there are other medications that could have been given to make her slow the absorption, stop the seizures (likely) and the liver destruction. It might now be too late indeed but there are things that could have helped with earlier treatment.
My dog just done the same today she is a yellow lab did your dog have a good outcome
My dog (lebra male ) is 6 weeks old and had taken 12 mg ivermectin .
Now he is mostly irresponsive and not able to drink anything
Should i be concerned
YES! Non responsive is bad and 12 mg is a WHOPPING dose. That is toxic likely.
My 4 week puppies had been given ivermectin orally day before yesterday and in yesterday morning i found 3 of them lying with seizures, unable to walk and 1 dead. I took the rest to vet he gave some injection. Now they are drinking mothers milk, trying to walk. Will they be back to normal. Does blindness remains for ever.
Unknown, I think it can last or get better. Depends on the damage done. Obviously this was an overdose.
Hello, Just wondering how your puppies did? I’m experiencing a similar situation in young puppies 4 weeks old.
My german spitz of 7weeks has taken 10mg ivermectin.She was unable to walk properly. We had given her vitamins and there was some improvement.But she makes no sound still and responds very rarely. Will she never be able to bark again?
My german spitz(female) is of 6 weeks and was healthy and energetic.Sadly,she took an ivermectin of 10 mg.Now,she I responds rarely and can barely run and jump.Her behavior is also a bit changed.We also took her to the bad and he gave some medicines.The next day,she was able to walk and can eat properly,but she behaves a bit abnormally.Will this be a permanent effect or temporary?
That is way too much Ivermectin. The toxicity can be temporary but it can also be permanent. Hard to tell. It depends how fast and how well she was treated. So sorry.
By mistake, we have given 4.5 ml of de-warming medicine to german shepherd male puppy which is of 45 days old and now he was not walking properly. We are really worried. Please suggest anything to make him recover quickly.
Bring him to a vet, there is no info in your question but I assume it is IVERMECTIN and that could be toxic
Hi, my dog (shi tzu female) is 1yr and half old and had taken a shot of 30cc of ivermectin. She is limping, unresponsive and im worried about her already. What should i do?
30cc IVERMECTIN!! That is a massive overdose and needs to go to a vet immediately. That is going to get worse and be a huge problem….. rush to a vet.
I have a 9 month old husky, she ate a whole tube of horse Ivermectin paste.
I rushed her to the vet 6 hours later as her pupils were dilated, she was walking into everything and more clingy than usual.
The vet kept her in over night, only able to offer her monitoring & IV drip.
2 hours later, the vet confirmed she had gone blind (temporarily he suspects)
It’s now been 24 hours, I sat at the vets with her all day and I believe after seeing me and eating the boiled chicken I brought her, she started to get a little better.
She still miss judges where she steps but I believe she can see me. Especially when I take her outside to the sun.
I want to bring her home as she improves when she is around me but i am worried that even though she appears to be getting better, there could be a secondary reaction as the toxicity remains in her system.
If she is showing signs of improvement, can walk and is responding to my voice, does that mean she is going to be ok or she can still take a turn for the worst in the next days / hours / weeks ?
Can she improve then deteriorate ??
I’m devastated and want my baby home
Honestly I am not sure depending on dose and other symptoms. You can get an EXPERT opinion by calling the ASPCA poison hotline. It costs $60-80 but they will advise your vet and give you better answers. My experience is that it takes days to be out of the woods and supportive care is massive to the survival and recovery rate. Eating and drinking are essential and rest and time are as well. The blindness is often temporary but unsure depending on the dose. Your dog is in good hands and I would listen to your vet for advice as they know the situation better than me.
Help me please
My dog was given overdose of levamisole injection, she vomits and couldn’t stand up
She need to go to the vet for fluids and treatment, but I do not know the exact details of this medication over dose. You need to call a poison hot line I would suspect. Sorry.
My husband bought ivermectin at our local seed store and thought it would work on our 2 pups who aren’t more than 2 months old. Now they are very disoriented. They just seem to sleep. I picked them up to check on them and they had goo coming out instead of pee while they just lay. The dose was for almost a 500 pound animal divided equally. I wasn’t paying attention cause we had kids running around and Messing with me. Would the fluids, support, and nutritional steps work on our pups.
Ivermectin toxicity is devastating and they need to be rushed to the vet. These guys are is severe danger. PEOPLE PLEASE STOP TRYING TO SAVE MONEY WITH IVERMECTIN…
Hello doc. I have a miniature pinscher dog. Her name is Heart. She is already 8 years old. She ingested 5mg of ivermectin which was mixed with her food(Agmectin 0.3 is the brand name). My mom was the one who mixed it because she is to desperate to cure Heart’s. She cant walk and stand anymore and she is disoriented. My mom give her food with that drug by 6PM and she exhibited the symptoms by 12AM. Since there are no emergency pet hospital near us, we waited and rushed her to hospital by 8AM. Is her situation too dangerous? And is 5mg of that drug a whopping dosage for her?
Huge dose and she is in real danger. I hope she makes it. That is a massive overdose.
10 year old lab licked some ivermectin horse paste that was mixed with feed yesterday. Not much but today she is acting drunk and like she can’t see. Still eating and drinking and walking around just disoriented
This is very serious and can be very toxic. You should bring him to a vet.
My 12 weeks old Labrador. Ingested 15mg of ivermectin tablets. He’s 14kgs. It’s been an hour and he’s not showing any signs of toxicity. How much should I wait? Or should I visit a veterinarian right now or what should I do? Please, your kind help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Yes, make him vomit and see a vet immediately. That is too much.
I accidentally gave my 3 year old, 39 pound standard poodle a second interceptor plus pill for the month. The first one was given October 2. Will she be ok?
Yes, totally fine.
My one month old puppy has been overdosed with the ivermectin, he is not responding at all, his eyes and mouth is closed and he can’t walk to. Please suggest what we should be doing we reached out to vet but there is no improvement.
He is in trouble and needs to see a vet asap…. this is not a good prognosis.
My dog has been overdosed with ivermectin he isn’t walking well is there anything i can give him to help?
Plz tell what happened to ur pup
My dog is 44 days and i didn’t know and have accidentally given him a 12 mg ivermectin now he has became very sleepy and not able to walk properly my vet has given him two injections I don’t of what just tell me can my dog be saved!?
That is way to much. This is not good. Sorry, only time will tell.
My pup was 5 months old and weight is 2kg. I accidentally gave her 2mg of ivermectin two months ago. Now she is 7months old but became blind and lethargic. Could it be the side effect?
100% yes. That is a massive overdose.
How long the side effects will be?
It does not show me what comment you are referring to when I answer these questions. If you are discussing Ivermectin, every case is different and depends on ug or mg/kg dose as well as breed of the dog and how resistant the dog is to the dose. Dogs with 4 white paws or collie type dogs are much more sensitive to Ivermectin as a general rule (genetic anomaly) than other breeds. Case by case is the key. I have seen dogs in comas for weeks and other dogs weak and twitchy for days or even hours
I will be bringing my shih to the vet tom. She is lethargic and very sleepy, my mom also said she walks in a drunk manner.
I am very worried but i am hoping that she’ll recover .
She also
Got a shot of ivermectin
You gave that to her, is that why she is walking drunk? Overdose?
My dog is cross between labrador and limousine, he is 1.5 years old with 15 kg weight, 10 days back his vet has prescribed and given 15 mg dose of ivermectin for ear mites and stomach parasites, his ears got better but still has stomach worms coming out of poop, after 10 days he is again dosed with 15 mg ivermectin yesterday. Is it ok to give ivermectin for stomach worms, he is being lazy and sleepy since morning, not eating well, is there anything I should be concerned of?
Yes, that is too high a dose and if the worms look like rice or white rice then that will not fix them….. they are tapeworms and you need new medication.
Thank yu for your response so soon.
Yes, the worms does look like grains of rice, now for how many days should I wait to give him a new medication after the dose of ivermectin? There could be risk factors mixing two medications together, so how long should I wait? And for how long do I need to keep checking on my dogs poop for worms? Do these tapeworms cause any risks to my dog’s health if not medicated early?
You need to read up on tapeworms. There is tons of information out ther eon the topic and they will go into much more detail than I have time for. There should not be a problem giving the other proper medication quickly. Speak to your vet about the right medication. Ivermectin does not treat tapeworms, so giving it at any dose will not help. After tapeworm medication the worms are usually resolved in a matter of days, but they can get re-infected so you need to keep watching off and on.
Hi I give my dogs Ivermectin via intramuscular injection, same product I do my cattle with, recommendation is 1ml per 50 kg live weight with the cattle. My dogs are all in the 15-20 kilo weight and I’ve always given 1ml without problems until recently one of the dogs (real mixed breed) had a couple of days after the jab with complete loss of appetite and very sleepy. Appears to be fine now but doesn’t have the same energy it used to. Is this a long term effect and am I giving to much?
Way too much, and liver and neurological damage if given too long at too high a dose.
Thanks appreciate your time. Will no longer do this.
Hi I gave my 4.5 kg dog ivermectin that says 3% daily for 6 days around 0.2 grams to cure severe mange. When should i give ivermectin again?
You should discuss this with your vet. It depends on how the mange is doing but I would at least wait a month. This is not a treatment I use, it is slightly outdated and can be dangerous and over dosed.
I have given two 10mg neo mec tablet to a street dog 6 days apart. Dog is now not active, lost appetite. Is it because of ivermectin overdose. Dog has some kinda skin problem for long time. I have given tablet long time ago too. His situation becomes better then. But this time not. Dog vomited too.
This might be an overdose but there is zero information here…. how big is the dog? Street dogs have loads of problems. Rabies? Nothing to help with here. Sorry.
I gave my puppy some prosense dewormer the recommended dose yesterday she is 9 weeks old today she is having seizures drooling breathing heavy and just laying there not moving she only moves to eat and drink but that is about it the vet is closed till tomorrow is there anything I can do to ensure she makes it till they open back up in the morning
find a vet that is open, there is nothing else you can do. Drive as far as you have to.
Hi i gave 10mg tablet to my 6 months old french bulldog weighing 6kgs one every day for 3 continuous days! She got very sick one day! We tool him to the vet and gave him injections ! Is it toxic? She is doing fine one day and the other day she is becoming full…have little vomitings too daily! What can be done?
I really do not understand this question. That seems like a very high dose of the drug. I have no idea what you are trying to treat with that dose. 400 micrograms / KG is the mange dose (upto 600ug). Micrograms, not milligrams. At high levels this drug becomes toxic. Read the many comments on how sick people dogs get with higher dose. Please consult your vet and see if the dose is correct.
Please my dog was given 0.25ml ivermectin and it vomited and also the next day. And now his weak..his 1month old.. Please any home remedies?
No home remedies for a neurotoxin. Time will tell if you can see a vet. That is way too high a dose for a small dog.
My 8wk old puppy ingested 1ml of ivermectin that was supposed to be for one of my goats.
She isn’t acting any different yet, but I’m freaking out.
She’s around 5lbs.
What should I do?
That is a lot. Make her vomit and see if you can get into see a vet if any neuro signs appear. If you can get to an ER that would be ideal, they can make her vomit, start fluids, charcoal and possibly intralipids to bind the drug.
Neomac 10 Mg – 3 tablets (30 MG) I gave to my labrador weighing 25 Kgs mixed with 150 GMS of Curd rice, gave him antacid 20 ML (usual practice after every medicine)…….I’m out, will reach after 8 yrs, will my dog be alive ????
look at the box. The very highest dose (this is a crazy dose I would never recommend and I think is probably very close to toxic) would be 1.5 pills. You doubled the dose of the highest. The worm dose, another high dose, is 5mg and you gave 30 mg or 6x that dose. I think you should be worried and not ever repeat this. If you dog is a collie or has liver disease then this would be very bad. Seek out veterinary attention if you see any neurologic signs. I can not “treat” purposeful overdose of a toxic drug over the internet.
I have an elderly Husky mix who got about 8mg of ivermectin
We tried to induce vomiting with hydrogen peroxide, but it didnt work
Is 8mg likely to overdose a 90# dog?
That is a very high dose. That is 10x the high dose. I would be very concerned and watch closely for neurologic events. You can try again to make him vomit. I would be nervous that would cause serious problems and you should alert your vet.
My Jack Russell was given ivermectin 10 days ago. She was 4.5 lbs at 10wks old. She vomited 2 hrs after and has not been the same since. Lethargic, drunk like behavior and then today (day 10) she is blind. She had been eating and drinking fine until today (mid day) lost her sight. Everything seems suspect. I would appreciate any advice you have. Our vet said she was fine and it’s behavioral bring her in on Monday. WHat the heck?
That must have been a massive Ivermectin overdose. I would be very concerned. You need to get her IV fluids and protect her brain, liver and try to get her on lipid therapy to reverse the effects. This is a serious matter and you need to go to the vet as soon as you can.
My 25 lb dog just ate 6 tabs of Tri heart plus, it’s 408 mcg of ivermectin. Called the vet and they said to call poison control. Can’t get through to poison control. Should I be worried?
Probably not, the doses in there is so small. There might be a little GI upset but that is all.
If you are going to use Ivermectin out of a bottle, work with your vet on dosage. I use sheep drench because it is only 0.08% instead of the cattle 1%. Also get a 1 ml syringe so that you can’t mess up. I learned the hard way to have chemicals like meds and rodent poisons up where the dog couldn’t get to them. One Friday night I came home and my Dachshund had ingested rat poison which cost me about $500 at the emergency night vet clinic. Please be careful and thank you to the Greenbriar vet for discussing this.
Good thoughts!
The sheep drench at 0.08% recommended dosage for sheep and goats is 2.5ml per 10 kg body weight , is this rate applicable to dogs as well if trying to eradicate bad flea infestation?
NOOOOO! Unless you want to poison you dogs. There are way better ways to get rid of fleas and ticks that will not poison your dog. This is not appropriate and you need to read all the comments about dogs going blind and being poisoned. Fleas are super easy to get rid of with a SINGLE PILL now days that costs less than all you future medical bills, heart ache and the drench. Go to a vet and get a pill. It last s 1-3 months (depending) and has 100% success with fleas. There are 3-5 on the market that are all great. Some get ticks and worms too!
Hi, my dog Molly got ivermectin toxicity. 1 ml according to the guy who injected it and he said it was just little. Is it? She is having seizures now,drooling and everything. Went to the vet and says there’s no treatment. How can I handle the seizures?
You need the vet to handle the seizures, she needs get anti seizure medication and IV fluids and ideally IV lipids. Sorry, maybe find another vet…..
My 1 month old puppy takes invermectin. Then when I woke up in the morning suddenly my puppy coudn’t walk. What should i do?
Go to a vet, she was overdosed most likely. Ivermectin in a 1 month old is too soon.
My dog was give birth and it 1 month ago. I gave him smp and vitamin because she did not want to eat. Can the puppy still breast feed to her?
SMP? You need to read the label. Not sure what SMP is.
The Vet gave my 8 yrs old Pug a combo of Dexamethasome, Anti-Histamine, Betamox and Ivermectin 0.5 to treat her skin. She recovered from most of the side effect except her vision is still not good. Went to see another Vet specialised in Eyes, she told me my dog is intoxicated by Ivermectin and that I cannot do anything only wait and hope. Is already 10days. Please advise.
Ivermectin toxicity is very serious and takes time with a chance of recovery. There is nothing more to do. You can see a medicine specialist about lipids but it is likely too late. IV fluids might have helped, but only maybe. Time will tell unfortunately. Sorry.
What home remedies can i do if my dog has a leg tremor. It happened after i gave him a dewormer (5ml he is more than 5kls) and a pinch of antibacterial powder. I mixed the two and gave it to him. I need help, pls advice me
None, you overdosed him. Time or a vet visit.
My lab is 5yrs old 44kg i gave him 10mg 5 tablets (50mg) with his regular food and now he is anable to walk properly , he is eating food bt couldnt walk properly…. need help 🙏
Masssive overdose. He needs to see a vet and then time will help him most.
Please help. I gave my 45kg bouvier 2ml of liquid ivermectin yesterday. Is that too much?
Eating and drinking but not much.
Pupils still big.
Too much, time and watch….or a vet visit….
Thank you. I would do it as prevention. They don’t have lung worms. Since my male dog was treated wrongly for allergy for 5 months with immunesuppresants (!) instead of correctly treated for sarcoptic mange last year, I have doubts regarding my vet. Sorry. Therefore, I thought about Ivermectin for lung worm prevention. Thank you.
Good afternoon. I would like to give my two Samoyeds Ivermectin as lung worm prevention instead of Advocate. Their weight is 23kg and 25kg. I thought about 1mg per month. Now I feel doubtful. … May I ask for your kind recommendation? We live in the UK. Thank you. Kind regards Barbara
Read the blog, but unlikely you need to do anything.
Sorry, it seems my first question didn’t go through. I want to give my 2 Samoyeds 1 or 2 mg Ivermectin per month as lung worm prevention instead of Advocate. Their weight is 23kg and 25kg. Good idea or rather not? Thank you. Kind regards Barbara
I can not give you doses, but they are easily found on the internet. I am not sure what lungworms you have where you live but they are not all easily prevented or treated and sometimes they need other medications. If you do not trust your vet (previous comment) I would seek out a new vet and ask them. Ivermectin toxicity is no joke and very serious. Less is better when dealing with ivermectin…. think that heartworm prevention is 0.006mg/kg or .15mg ivermectin (25kg) which at 1% is .015ml….. very small amount! (someone check my math please…. )
Thank you very much. This helps. Ok, I stay with Advocate. Kind regards Barbara
My dog has vestibular disease. Thinking I was helping, I gave him a tube of ivermectin. I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid if I took him to a vet they’d euthanize him.
It’s been 50 hours and he isn’t responsive. It’s like he is sleeping. He whimpered a little today.
I have tried to give him water.
Did I just kill my dog?
Sorry, I think so…. bring him to the vet ASAP if you want to give him a chance…..
I am very far away from a 24 hour vet hospital. He isnt urinating or defecating, but his breathing is fine. I have tried in vain to feed and water him with a turkey baster.
Could he last until Monday? Is there any hope for recovery? Should I ask that he be euthanized?
Sorry but I can not recommend euthanasia without seeing him, but he needs veterinary care ASAP. Sorry I dont have a better answer for you…he is in grave danger and without water and food and without moving…. I guess you have very few options except see a vet Monday morning.
I bought heartguard and comfortis together at my vet. I was never told not to give these meds at the same time. I had to read that online after my dogs got sick. I have 3 dogs and one is a 22 lb French bulldog and 2 are 30 pound English bulldogs. They was all given the correct dosage for their weight size and they are 2, 3 and 5 years old. All had bad diarrhea and vomiting 2 and 3 days after dosing. This is day 7 and my Frenchie has a horrible skin redness and constant Scratching. I noticed my English bulldogs are all losing their hair on their feet from constant licking. They are white dogs. But the frenchies is horrible today and nothing I have done is working. Medicated baths and Antihistamines because I thought it was a grass allergy. Also she had tremors in one of her legs tonight so Is it possible this is a reaction to ivermectin? I found one study online about ivermectin and in one group of dogs it caused pruitius. We are going to the vet in the morning but I do not think there is much they can do because everything I have read online says you have to wait it out. Another question is how long does this stuff take to get out of their system. All my dogs have always been happy and beautiful. This is heartbreaking.
I have given heartgard and comfortis together many times…. I would check the batch numbers, report the problem to the drug companies and make sure this is not a red herring and the dogs have something else. Make sure the dogs did not get into another chemical or another problem. It is VERY unlikely to have this happen to 3 dogs with those drugs. Curious to see what you vet thinks. Very unusual!
Sir I have a Labrador retriever whose age is 1yr.
He is suffering from hair loss and itching problem. Yesterday I went to pet and have conversation with him over this issue .
The vet injected 1ml ivermectin …
My dog is feeling drowsy is eating very limited food ….kindly help me please
The vet treated him for mange, and that is a big dose but I assume the correct dose if given by a vet. I would watch him for a day and if he is not feeling better then bring him back. You need to use medicated shampoo if it is mange as well. Also you might want to check hi for allergies and fleas. There is not enough information to tell what is going on. The Ivermectin can cause sedation but it should not last long….
Uh, anyone else notice that this article was written in 2010 but all the comments are from 2020 and 2021? All but one, in 2019. Soooo, suddenly tons of people experienced overdosing with dogs and ivermectin since….. fill in the blank.
What are the blanks? I’m guessing either the post hit the top of some google search or there was someone that promoted it. Yes I wrote it in 2010 but I also think it only shows the most recent…..good question. What is your thought?
Sir I have a Labrador whose age is 1yr , on 2nd August I went to vet because my lab is suffering from hairfall and itching problem.
The vet injected 1ml ivermectin….he prescribed me alday tablets and antiitching cream …
My problem starts from 4th August lab doesn’t want to eat his food as if his appetite has died
I had to force feed him till 7th August. On 8th August I took an appointment from vet and explained him entire scenario..again he injected 1ml of neomac and asked me to do deworming on 9th August !! I lost faith on my vet so refused to do his deworming
Please help me should I continue giving alday tablets or not ? How can I regain my pet appetite back …for how much time I had to feed him liver syrup
That seems like a lot of Ivermectin and I had to look up Alday, as I have never heard of it. It is an antihistamine. I would stop all the treatments and see if the appetite comes back, and I would try a new vet. Did he test for worms? Does he (the vet) think it is mange? Did he test for that? It would be helpful to know if the dog has mange or worms before treating him. Did the dog cough, or have any seizures? Have you tried medicated baths or tested for allergies or fleas? I need more information and you need more diagnostics. Itchy dogs are caused by way too many things…. but that seems like a lot of ivermectin (not an overdose likely) and maybe the dog is having an issue with the tablets… stop those. Sorry, but have tests done at a new vet.
Thank you for this article! A real eye opener!
A stray dog I feed was diagnosed with Demodex Mange in 2019 & a vet had me give her oral ivermectin (10mg/day) for approx a month, along with 5mg prednisolone. Considering the stray dog was just over a yr old & weighed around 17-18kg, I now realise what a massive (over)dose that was. Surprisingly, she had no discernible outward reaction but showed no improvement either so I took her to a 2nd vet who put an immediate stop to the ivermectin+predni & did a blood test that showed elevated liver enzymes. High but not alarming. She was given Lisybin (SAMe) & some liver supplements for a month & the values became normal. Subsequently, he suggested amitraz dip for her mange, which was impossible to administer owing to the dog being a stray. She has been a sturdy dog for most part but thanks to her mange she gradually lost all her hair & developed elephant skin but internally she has no issues- behaves likes any other healthy dog save for her skin.
Despite her chronic mange, her bloodwork a week ago showed liver, kidney & everything in normal range.
A new vet in the area suggested Doramectin for her (he didn’t mention the quantity but said an injection on a fortnightly basis for 3 months). Although she did not have an adverse reaction to Ivermectin overdose 1.5yrs ago, I do not want to push it. Wanted your thoughts on Doramectin & if it poses the same risks as ivermectin.
My pet dog’s vet suggested Bravecto (fluralaner) but again i am not sure if it would work for the stray’s mange. She has no history of seizures so I guess the Bravecto could do no harm. What are your thoughts on treating her mange with either Doramectin or Bravecto or both?
Bravecto 100% over any injectable “mectin” at this point. The idea of a few months of Bravecto is far better in my mind for the mange. The dog might need to be on Bravecto for a long time or forever, but that is still cheaper and easier to administer than injections on a stray dog. No thought other than Bravecto or even Revolution if that does not work….. good luck.
Hello and thanks for the article! I have a 12 week old lab/golden mix who was just given to me last week. Shes had two mild seizures, otherwise seems perfectly healthy besides being clumsy (probably normal). The woman I got her from said she thought she might have been giving too much dewormer. Can a dog recover from overdose but continue to have seizures?
1) yes they can recover
2) These effects do not usually last longer than the half life of the drug…. a few days
3) A 12 week old dog having seizures is a serious concern. You should have the dog checked for a shunt or other problem. If the seizures continue, look past the dewormer and look for a liver shunt, other toxin, or serious other problems.
4) Who gives away a 12 week old puppy from such a good mix?
I hope this helps.
My daughters lab apparently licked up ivermectin that had been dripping on the floor for a while. She showed the drunken look, seizure type behavior and dilated pupils. She has been taken to the vet and given iv fluids overnight. Seizing stopped for some time yesterday but resumed sometime overnight. How long is reasonable for this to go on before determining if she is suffering and euthanasia considered?
Good questions. I do not know that answer. Some dogs can get better in a matter of days and others can last weeks or longer. It depends on the seizures I believe. I have heard of dogs on ventilators for a week to stop the seizures and then I have seen the seizures under control in a short time. I would ask the vet their opinion as well as see how the dog does after a few days at least…. sorry I can not be more helpful. We do ER work and the long term care is not in our hands.
My 3 year old chahwawa got an overdose of ivermectin. I took her to vet she was having seizures and tremors and seems to be blind at this point. She has been there for 24 hours. And has received over fluids lipids and seizure meds . They want her there for three days I cannot afford it. They gave a prescriptions for anti seizure and tremors. Do you think she has a chance .
So sorry to hear this… these cases are touch and go, but with all that you have done I sadly think this is a very guarded to poor prognosis. HOWEVER, they can get better if the seizures are controlled and the stopped. Do what you can to keep the treatment going, but at the least use the seizure medication. Sorry.